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2 hours race

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

September 6, 2015: after the second hour of the race, the swimmers still swimming in a large group of about 12 swimmers.

Lead group: Blaum, Pop Acev, Stochino, Ercoli, Franco, Geijo, Nunez…
Retired: Ferru and Stefanovski


Capri-Napoli 2015: the race started

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

September 6, 2015: started the 50th edition of the Capri-Napoli. 26 athletes (16 men and 10 women) from 12 Countries.

The departure, at the Lido Le Ondine at Marina Grande Capri, at 10.05 was given by the Mayor of Capri Giovanni De Martino and Anna Mazzola, who won the women’s race in 1957!

On departure rough seas.

The salient images of the race will be visible through this link.

Stay tuned!


Sprint race CAG Chemical

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

September 5, 2015: for the safety of all participants, due to a rainstorm, this morning the sprint race “CAG Chemical” scheduled at Baia was canceled. Thank you for your understanding, the organizers and the Mayor Of Bacoli Josi Della Ragione, who well understood the reasons for the swimmers who preferred not to take to the water for the important race tomorrow.

Tomorrow the official race starting at 09:45 with all the information, pictures, live images from the event available on the official website and the official channels Facebook and Twitter.

The salient images of the race will be visible through this link.

Stay tuned …


Day in Capri

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

4 September 2015: day in Capri for athletes engaged Sunday at capri-napoli.

Arriving in Capri by hydrofoil of NLG (Navigazione Libera del Golfo), the swimmers have moved from Marina Grande to the Capri Municipality.

First appointment with the greeting of the Mayor for the City of Capri, thanks to the support which the swimmers have been able to enjoy a full day in one of the pearls of the Mediterranean.

Then the traditional photo at the famous “Piazzetta”.

In the afternoon training at the renovated Lido The Ondine and, before returning to Naples, a tour of the island by boat to admire the sea all the beauties of Capri as the Blue Grotto and the Faraglioni.

Tomorrow Technical meeting and the Sprint Race “C.A.G. Chemical” at Baia.

Here the greeting for the 50th edition of a great friend of the Capri-Napoli: Diego Degano (ARG) won the race in 1989 and 1992, the last winner before the long break.


Historic photos exhibition

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

September 3, 2015: with the swimmers arrived in Naples, began the official activities of the 50th edition.

This morning and afternoon, the official training at the Canottieri Napoli.

In the afternoon, however, at the Renaissance Hotel Mediterraneo Naples, at 18.30, will be inaugurated the historic photo exhibition: The Giants of the Sea> emotions in black and white. The exhibition traces the early years of the Capri-Naples, through the panels in black and white showing a cross-section of the competition, the places and the champions that they did become world famous.

The exhibition will be full of relics that tell, however, issues of recent years.

The “Giants of the Sea” live in our memory, in the memories of generations of Neapolitans who have learned to know and fall in love with “Capri-Napoli”. The races most incredible, expectations, arrivals, the triumphs are part of the history of the great sport of our city. We tried to stop time, to capture in a gallery of photos in black and white the great champions of the Marathon of the Gulf, which for years has been the world championship Water Swimming Championships. We have tried to describe, following the trail of magical images, some of the most important moments in the history of the “Capri-Napoli” started on 1 August 1954 and for nearly forty years has characterized the Neapolitan summer, becoming part of the habits, rhythms, memorable things of our city.

The historical path of “Capri-Napoli” is a fitting tribute to the 50th edition of the event. The legend of the marathon for aquatic excellence lives on in the wonderful photos donated by precious archives and the special sensitivity of Renato Carbone and New Fotosud, enriched by a story that lives the images through the details and emotions of the days of those magical shots.

In celebration of 50 great years world grows more and more admiration for the characters that have made it legendary, not only the samples that are celebrated in our review. But the men who gave life and strength to Marathon Gulf, by the inventor Alberto Barone and the newspaper “Il Mattino” that tied inextricably to the “Settimana Motonautica”, to Lello Barbuto who took the heritage, passionately in love, which from day one gave her prestige and popularity, transforming it into the flagship of its organizers, until you get to the recovery and the latest editions, strongly desired and tenaciously pursued by Luciano Cotena, despite many adversities and the historical context certainly not favorable.

Tomorrow day in Capri to the greeting of the institutions of Capri and to test the waters of Le Ondine, where the protagonists will start next Sunday morning.


The swimmers have arrived in Naples

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

September 2, 2015: are coming to Naples swimmers entered the 50th edition of the Capri-Napoli, scheduled Sunday, September 6 starting from Lido Le Ondine in Capri at 09.45 am and arrival from 15.45 / 16 to the Naples at Circolo Canottieri.

28 members, 17 men and 11 women from 13 countries, who will contest the stage win, this historic edition, entering the hall of fame of the event.

Apart from the Italian representative, led by Alice Franco, winner of the first and last race of the 2015 Grand Prix season: Parana (ARG) and Ohrid (MKD), come the winners of the previous editions Damian Blaum (ARG) winner in 2010 and Alexander Studzinski (GER), winner in 2007, while for women Pilar Geijo (ARG), winner in 2011 and Esther Nunez (ESP), who won in 2012 as well as the current leader of the ranking FINA Grand Prix: the Macedonian Pop Acev.

Tomorrow official training at the Circolo Canottieri Napoli, while at 6:30 pm, at the Hotel Mediterraneo in Naples, the opening of the historyc Photo Exhibition: Sea giants, emotions in black and white.


Presented the 2015 edition

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

1 September 2015: Presented this morning the 50th edition of the Capri-Napoli. The conference was held at the Municiplaity of the City of Naples.

At the opening there was the presentation of the official video spot.

They were then shown all the initiatives of the fiftieth anniversary for a full program, which began last April and which will go on until the end of September.

They were then presented all the trophies to be won, leaving the floor to the main sponsor of the edition.

It was, then, revealed the starting list of the protagonists of 2015, with many big at the start. At the start there will be 28 athletes (17 men and 11 women) from 13 countries.

In the final a likeable video message of all registered athletes,  they would not fail to send their greetings for a race unique.

Official video spot

Starting list 2015 with the greeting of the swimmers

The greeting


Official press conference

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

August 31, 2015: Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1, at 12, will be presented to the City of Naples Municipality, the 50th edition of the Capri-Napoli, valid as the final stage of the World Grand Prix FINA.

At the conference will unveil the news and the events of historic edition and will be announced the athletes who will try to win the race and Grand Prix.

The greeting of 4 friends who have made the history of Capri-Napoli …
Click on the photo to see their message …


4th Leg 2015 FINA Grand Prix

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

August 30, 2015: Fourth stage of the FINA Grand Prix held yesterday in Ohrid in Macedonia, over a distance of 30 km.

Full Podiums:



Next stop, the Capri-Naples Sunday, September 6 that closes the circuit FINA World Grand Prix 2015.

Here are the full results

Here rankings


2015 Capri-Napoli – the trophies

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

August 29, 2015: For the historic 50th edition we will be giving away many trophies to be awarded to the winners:

-          Trofeo “Supermercati Piccolo” to be awarded to the overall winner of the 2015 edition;

-          Trofeo “UBI – Banca Popolare di Ancona” to be awarded to the winner of the women’s race;

-          Trofeo “Orakom” to be assigned to the best Italian athlete;

-          Trofeo “CAG Chemical” who better to interpret the technical movements;

-          Trofeo “Filippo Calvino” for the best young swimmer under 25.

Meanwhile, today the race is in Macedonia, in Ohrid, over the distance of 33 km, the penultimate stop on the FINA Grand Prix in 2015, before the grand final of the Capri-Napoli.



5th September 2021
Capri-Napoli 56th edition
official competition
68 years: 1954-2021

Capri-Napoli 2019

Capri-Napoli 2018

Capri Napoli 2017



Social Network

bar case negozi

55th edition: 2020 new spot

52th edition: official spot

51st edition: official spot


Eventi & Comunicazione

Via Ripuaria 48
80014 G. in Campania – Napoli - Italy


