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Here comes the FINA Ultramarathon Swim Series 2019

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

January 27, 2019: Only one week is left to begin the 2019 edition of the FINA Ultramarathon Swim Series 2019, the long distance swimming season in the world.

It starts from Argentina with the traditional Santa-Fè Coronda (57 km), which reaches the 45th edition and will be held on Sunday 3 February.

Santa Fé-Coronda web site.

Last year Italian double victory of the circuit with Edoardo Stochino and Barbara Pozzobon.

The calendar will then see the following races for 2019:
February 9th, ROSARIO (ARG) – 15 km
July 27th, SEAN JEAN (CAN) – 32 km
August 24th, OHRID (MKD) – 30 km
August 31, NOVI (CRO) – 20 km

Great final with the 54th edition of the CAPRI-NAPOLI marathon (36 km), scheduled for September 7th, which will close the circuit and the long-distance season, which will be preceded by the 2 non-FINA international tests scheduled on June 28 and July 12, already SOLD out for more than a month.

A total of 190 km in 6 races, held amoung South America, North America and Europe and that, for 2019, will see Rosario’s return to the calendar and Novi’s novelty.

FINA web site


Christmas Cup 2018

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

December 28th 2018: everything is ready for the second edition of the Christmas Cup, the winter event of the Capri-Napoli scheduled for Sunday, December 30 at CN Posillipo starting at 11.30.

A fun-sporting moment for the promotion and enhancement of the Gulf of Naples and its sea even in winter.

About 100 participants will compete over the distance of 250 meters to decree regional winter champions.

Also, a moment to remember Anna Mazzola, who died during the Christmas holidays. First Italian winner of the Capri-Naples (1957).


Christmas Cup 2018

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

10 December 2018: also for 2018, the Capri-Napoli O.C. will realize the second edition of the Christmas Cup.

The event, born last year, will be valid as the Regional Open Water Winter Championship.

It will be realized on December 23 at the Posillipo Nautical Club on the distance of m. 250.

Last year there was great enthusiasm, for an atypical swim in the sea in December that was well received by many masters and elite swimmers.


Capri-Napoli 2019 – registrations closed

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

5 December 2018: after the first date, also the second date of the non-competitive Capri-Napoli 2019 is sold out!

The Organizing Committee must therefore close the registrations in advance, of about 2 months, compared to the deadline of January 31st!

The competitions are scheduled on June 28th and July 12th.

In total there will be 100 athletes from 9 nations (Italy, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Luxembourg, Spain, USA). Divided into SOLO, DOUBLE and RELAYS.

Another great success for this competition, for a 2019 that will reserve again many surprises!


Capri-Napoli 2019 SOLD OUT

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

November 15, 2018: after about 2 months from the opening of the registrations and when there are 8 months to the competition, one of the  2dates of the unofficial Capri-Naples is already SOLD OUT. At the competition scheduled on July 12 will take part 48 athletes from 7 Nations, divided between SOLO and RELAYS.
Still a great success for the queen of the aquatic marathons that starts to be sold out even for the other date of June 28, for which the last two places are still available.


Luciano Cotena in the hall of fame

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

October 9th 2018: Historical day for Italian open water swimming. The International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame has decided to induct the organizer of the Capri-Naples, Luciano Cotena, into its world gallery. The announcement came from the committee, which has also made official the other names of the bottom swimming figures that will be included in the Hall of Fame: among these there are two swimmers like the German Thomas Lurz and the Brazilian Ana Marcela Cuhna, the latter winner of the Capri-Naples in 2014 and 2017.

The real enrollment ceremony in the Hall of Fame will take place on 9th March in Australia, where all the personalities of swimming (in the pool and open water) will be invited to receive the recognition.

Satisfaction in the words of Luciano Cotena: “This is a very important recognition, which repays these years of sacrifice, started with the bet to bring the Capri-Naples to great levels and continue with a series of satisfactions related to my activity as an organizer. I thank the International Marathon Swimming who proposed me as a new member of the Hall of Fame and I am honored to see my name joined together with great swimming, among whom I like to remember my friend Giulio Travaglio and the unforgettable Lello Barbuto ” .

Here the recognition


Capri-Napoli 2019

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

September 25, 2018: with the 2018 edition, practically just ended, also in relation to the large number of requests that have already arrived, the registrations for the non-competitive race are now re-opened. Competition that, at the moment, is scheduled for July 12, 2019 with another possible date (TBC) on July 29, 2019.

In relation to the number of requests that will be received, the C.O. reserves the right to set a further date for the end of June.

The Organizing Committee fixes in 15 (between SOLO and RELAYS) for each date, the limit number of spots for each competition.

Click here to register.



Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

22 September 2018: with the solo crossing of Gaia Naldini, the 53rd edition of the Capri-Naples officially closes.

Surely another fantastic edition, started with the children in April and May, continued with many exciting collateral moments that have celebrated the best, completed with the two unofficial competitions on June and July until to reach the official race and ended with the exciting test of Gaia Naldini. that have brought the images of the Gulf of Naples to the whole world …

Thanks to all the athletes for the excellent performances, from the youngest athletes to the masters passing through the champions of the discipline …

Thanks to all the sponsors who supported the edition, in particular to Farmacosmo, which was a precious partner …

Thanks to all the official locations that hosted the various events of the 2018 edition …

Thanks to those who have ensured ground logistics and safety at sea …

Thanks to the media partners who have contributed to disseminating, in Italy and in the world, all the crucial moments of the event …

Thanks to all the national federations involved …

Thanks to all those who have followed us in different ways …

Thanks to all the old fans and newcomers …

See you in 2019 with the 54th edition.

Enjoy the final video here


The challenge: Gaia Naldini

Author Luciano    Category Senza categoria     Tags

20 September 2018: Gaia Naldini, the former European and world champion, won a double challenge, completing the solo Capri-Napoli with a time of 8h 59 ’20. The one linked to the most beautiful and difficult crossing in the world for the swimmers in open water and the other side for promote a fundraising campaign to donate to the Ieo-Ccm foundation, fundraising linked to an initiative promoted by the European Institute of Oncology.


5th September 2021
Capri-Napoli 56th edition
official competition
68 years: 1954-2021

Capri-Napoli 2019

Capri-Napoli 2018

Capri Napoli 2017



Social Network

bar case negozi

55th edition: 2020 new spot

52th edition: official spot

51st edition: official spot


Eventi & Comunicazione

Via Ripuaria 48
80014 G. in Campania – Napoli - Italy


