Capri-Napoli 2016
November 17, 2015: The 51th edition of the Capri-Napoli, valid, as for the past years, as the final leg of the FINA Grand Prix, it will be held on Sunday, Sept. 4, 2016.
The competition, since the approach events, will see the creation of a series of commemorative moments in memory of Giulio Travaglio, whose complete program will be disclosed in the coming months.
The competition non FINA, however, will be made on 2 or July 9, 2016 and will, as always, open to categories SOLO, DOUBLE and RELAYS. Entries for this competition are already opened and the available places are already almost sold out. In this sense, although the deadline for receiving documents has been fixed on January 31, O.C. reserves the right to early terminate inscriptions, once exhausted the available places.