2016 Capri-Napoli opening event
April 15, 2016: With the morning’s event at the pool “Scandone” of Naples, has opened the 51st edition of the Capri-Napoli, celebrating Giulio Travaglio, only Italian winner of the competition, who holds the record of victories, well 5 , obtained between 1965 and 1970!
The solidarity event “Aspettando la Capri-Napoli 2016″, now in its 7th edition, produced in collaboration with the non-profit Association “Accendiamo una stella for you”, was attended by about 100 children.
The initiative involved, among others, some children who have social problems, emotional and cultural, some of whom have approached for the first time to swimming, remaining impressed with great enthusiasm scenes in water.
Next meeting, the fifth edition of “Guinness Marathon children swim for children” on 13 May.
Aspettando la Capri-Napoli 2016
April 13, 2016: Boys and girls in the pool for a celebration of sport and solidarity. This is the meaning of the seventh edition of “Aspettando la Capri-Napoli” (Waiting the marathon swimming Capri-Napoli) scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, April 15, at pool “Scandone” of Naples from 9.30 am to 12.00 pm, with the participation of 100 special children.
The appointment will be the opening event of the festival for 2016, with the official race scheduled September 4, the 51st edition, celebreting Giulio Travaglio.